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Help to make Financial & Medical Decisions

What Does the Court of Protection Do?

The Court of Protection helps people who do not have the mental capacity to manage their own affairs. Here at Premier Solicitors, we have a number of qualified and experienced lawyers who manage a number of cases each day to make decisions for people throughout the UK about their money, property, health or welfare.

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A leading law firm staffed by lawyers devoted to providing a professional and affordable legal service on a comprehensive range of legal services.

01234 358 080
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The Court can give us or someone else like a relative or close friend the powers to manage their loved one's affairs. This arrangement is usually made if there is a need to make decisions on a long-term basis. When the Court gives these powers to someone else, they are then known as the Deputy.

In order to apply to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship order a capacity assessment is required confirming that the individual the order is in relation too is not able to make their own decisions. There are also a number of court forms which need to be completed and submitted along with the application.

Our Lawyers can discuss the details of your individual circumstances with you and help you decide what powers you may need to request. This could be the power to make financial and or medical treatment decisions. We can complete and submit the application on your behalf to ensure they're processed by the Court of Protection quickly.

Contact Us Here when you need us 01234 358 080

working with the court of protection

Court of Protection The Court of Protection plays an important role in protecting the rights and interests of individuals who lack capacity, and ensuring that decisions made on their behalf are in their best interests. Call Premier Solicitors

Premier Solicitors offer a range of great value court of protection legal services:

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If you would like to discuss your case with one of our Lawyers give us a call today on 01234 358080 (option 2) and one of our Court of Protection Team will be more than happy to assist. Alternatively, you are welcome to email your enquiry to and one of our team will get back to you.
