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Attaining the Right Divorce Settlement

Financial Proceedings: Always 50/50?

The overwhelming perception of financial matters in divorce is that when you divorce, everything must be split 50/50. Put simply, this is not true!

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Financial proceedings can be very complex, and it is important to know exactly what options are available to you and what you and your spouse's needs are.

Although there are situations where 50/50 in terms of finances are indeed considered, there are an endless list of factors which can tilt this percentage either slightly or dramatically one way or the other.

The specialist Divorce Team of Premier Solicitors' Family Law division can help you in trying to obtain a financial order that meets your needs. We can help explain some of the factors that may affect your financial matter and guide you to different methods of attaining a financial order.

Contact Us Here when you need us 01234 358 080

signing divorce papers Bedford

Divorce Settlements If you are filing for an uncontested divorce, you may be able to sign divorce papers at home. However, if you are filing for a contested divorce, you will likely need to sign the papers in front of a judge. Call Premier Solicitors

How do I reach a financial agreement with my spouse?

We understand that separating from your spouse or partner can be an extremely difficult time. Emotions are often running high, and it can be overwhelming to look at everything that surrounds a separation, especially when it comes to money.

People can understandably feel overwhelmed by the number of options that are available to them when trying to come to a financial agreement with their spouse. This can include Separation Agreements, Cohabitation Agreements, Pre- and Post-Nupital agreements, to name but a few.

At Premier Solicitors we can assist you in discussing all the potential avenues to help you understand and decide what is the best option for you and how best a financial agreement can be reached.

Can I be forced to sell my house?

All separations can be difficult, regardless of whether you are married or not. Building a life together with another person is a major step in life and we understand that when separating, it can be difficult to know, particularly for with unmarried couples, where to start.

It is important to note that married and unmarried couples are treated differently at the point of separation. While a property owner can, under certain circumstances following a separation, legally be forced to sell a property and share its net proceeds; it becomes very complicated when trying to work out what percentage each partner is entitled to.

Here at Premier Solicitors, we can provide you clear and concise advice regarding how you can find out your legal and beneficial entitlement to a property and how you can exercise those rights.

At Premier Solicitors, we offer an initial consultation at a fixed cost - should you wish to have a confidential and no-obligation discussion, please contact 01234 358 080 (option 4) or send an email to and one of our team will contact you.
