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Fixed fee Divorce Specialists

How do I Obtain a Divorce?

At Premier Solicitors we are aware of how hard it is to decide to separate or end a marriage. This can be one of the biggest decisions of your life and one that must not be taken in haste. It can bring about a number of other issues that will need to be considered, discussed between the parties or decided by the court (such as financial situations or the arrangements for children).

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01234 358 080
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The divorce procedure has been considered and revised on many occasions with the aim to always be that it is simple and straight-forward. However, in practice, the dissolving of a marriage rarely is that - anything can occur from your spouse refusing to sign the paperwork, to the court refusing to allow the petition to continue as it does not meet the necessary standards.

Divorce Flowchart

We have produced below a flowchart showing the stages of a divorce matter, and the twists and turns it can take:

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The divorce process of the UK courts

Download Our Divorce Flowchart The twists and turns of the divorce process of dissolving of a marriage is rarely simple or straight-forward. To make things as simple as possible, we've created a divorce flowchart to help you plan your way forward. Download Our Helpful Guide

Premier Solicitors offer a range of great value family law legal services:

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At Premier Solicitors we can provide you with a guiding hand through the pitfalls and procedural irregularities to ensure that your application is completed correctly (or at least agreeable to the court).

It is extremely important that, as part of any divorce of separation, the children of the family are not adversely affected. It is vital that the children are able to continue seeing both parents (so long as it is safe to do so) and do not become embroiled in the parent's disagreements or used as mechanism to hurt the other party.

At Premier Solicitors we believe it is essential that each party knows exactly what steps can be taken to ensure that contact can be maintained between the parties; but at the same time what a parent (or grandparent) can do if they feel that a child is suffering from a significant risk of harm.
