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Adam Grey - Premier Solicitors

Adam Grey - Senior Associate - Residential Conveyancing - Premier Solicitors

Adam specialises in residential conveyancing, family law and employment law. Adam offers Polish translation within the services he offers. Contact Adam

Adam provides expert advice and assistance with over 13 years of experience in property law, family law and employment law.

You can talk with Adam about:

Adam's ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge to matters ranging in complexity goes unmatched. Adam is an effective communicator who always keeps his client best interests and needs in mind.

Adam is also able to identify dilemmas and discrepancies early on in any transaction which allows him to push cases through at an accelerated rate.

Hobbies and interests

Adam himself has interests in politics and the property market, further aiding his abilities in residential conveyancing and his understanding to his clients. In Adams free time he enjoys travelling and reading political history and wartime novels.

Adam Grey - Senior Associate, Premier Solicitors