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Samuel Freeman - Premier Solicitors

Samuel Freeman - Trainee Solicitor - Private Client - Wills and Probate - Premier Solicitors

Samuel's key strengths are preparing and drafting Wills in accordance with clients' instructions and delivering exceptional client care. Contact Samuel

Samuel work involves applying for a Grant of Representation on behalf of Personal Representatives, dealing with the Estate Administration on behalf of Personal Representatives and dealing with various Land Registry aspects that arise in relation to Estate Administration, such as a Transfer of Property and Assent.

Sam joined Premier Solicitors Private Client department in Aug 2022 and started his Training Contract in February 2023. Sam will qualify as a Solicitor in February 2025.

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Hobbies and interests

Samuel enjoys sport and says it has had a huge impact on his life and as such fills much of his free time, whether this be watching or competing. Sport is exceptionally important to Samuel's physical wellbeing, as well as his mental wellbeing; this is something he tries to promote whenever possible.

He regularly goes to the local gym and competes in Powerlifting competitions over the course of the year. Samuel also enjoys reading and watching new movies or series, with a bias to anything Star Wars related. Samuel loves to travel and experience new cultures with his friends, pushing himself out of his comfort zone.

Samuel Freeman - Trainee Solicitor , Premier Solicitors